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Dr. med. vet. Fabienne Ferrara

Specialist veterinarian for laboratory animal science

Master of Medicine, Ethics and Law

About ConScienceTrain

ConScienceTrain stands for research quality and wellbeing, through consulting and training. 


Animal experiments are undeniably challenging, but an indispensable part of our scientific progress - for humans and animals.

am convinced that ethically justifiable animal research can only be achieved with maximum possible wellbeing - for humans and animals. We must therefore not only achieve legal standards, but also constantly scrutinise our thoughts and actions in accordance with a culture of care and responsibility. This requires sufficient resources, professional and social skills.


With my unique expertise of interdisciplinary specialist knowledge and social competence, I would like to support you in achieving exactly that. Based on a trustful cooperation, I would like to inspire and accompany you with my work.



Science and Specialised Veterinarian

As a scientist, through my further training as a specialised veterinarian for laboratory animal science and through my work as an animal welfare officer, I have experienced the different perspectives and tasks of animal research intensively.


​I therefore have expertise based on specialist knowledge and practical experience. 

Master of Medicine, Ethics and Law

With my master’s degree in Medicine-Ethics-Law (M. mel.) I can apply legal knowledge to ethical areas of conflict, illuminate them and provide assistance in concrete conflict situations.


I therefore have the expertise to understand animal experiments and research from various disciplines and to combine them in discourse.

Further education - healthy workplace

Through my professional stations at:
- universities
- research institutes and
-research companies

I have understood the key role of mental health for animal welfare and research quality. I have therefore continued my training in this area.


​My expertise is therefore complemented by specialist areas of stress prevention and stress management. 


Publications (examples)

Scientific publications - animal experimental research work

Contributions or publications on the culture of care

1. Social tensions in animal experiments​

2. Animal welfare and human welfare



Animal Experimental Research
2009 - 2017

Animal Welfare Officer
& animal welfare (project management)

Anatomical Institute | TiHo Hanover

Institute of Animal Nutrition | FU Berlin

Pentracor GmbH Berlin | Berlin

German Heart Center (DHZB) | Berlin

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology | Leipzig

Charité University Medicine | Berlin

Guest Lecturer (Equine Science)
FU Berlin - Institute for Animal Welfare, Animal Behavior and Laboratory Animal Science

Max Delbrück Center (MDC) for Molecular Medicine, in the Helmholtz Association Berlin 

preclinics GmbH (Potsdam) and Behring Campus Eystrup

Continuing education

"healthy work environment"

Mental Health First Aider (20201), AHAB Berlin (to the certificate: HERE)

Compassion Fatigue Professional, Evergreen Certifications. (to the certificate: HERE)


Resilience Trainer Certificate
(to the certificate:German / English)


Burnout Consultant

(to the certificate: HERE

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